Welcome to the blog of Rasam Production's Rob Shaw (The Producer), charting the evolution of the opening to the new feature film "Wrenched", jointly produced with Sam Pollock (The Director) and Asa Newmarch (The Cinematographer). Here is a link to our final cut! There are various short videos and vod/podcasts right here on this blog! Enjoy, and please feel free to comment/add suggestions! Remember there are links lists on the side of this blog to make it easier to navigate to useful posts!

Saturday, 22 January 2011

RS - Filming Tomorrow

Our group will be filming our final coursework idea tomorrow at my house (for the first location) in my car (for the second location) and in my next door neighbours house for the remainder of the film. When I am not acting in the film I will be filming Asa, who will be filming our film. This will be to give evidence that we have genuinly filmed it. I will also show the location we will be using and giving a little talk about which stage we are at of the filming etc. It can also be used to evidence roles within the group such as the director, cinematographer and producer.

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