Welcome to the blog of Rasam Production's Rob Shaw (The Producer), charting the evolution of the opening to the new feature film "Wrenched", jointly produced with Sam Pollock (The Director) and Asa Newmarch (The Cinematographer). Here is a link to our final cut! There are various short videos and vod/podcasts right here on this blog! Enjoy, and please feel free to comment/add suggestions! Remember there are links lists on the side of this blog to make it easier to navigate to useful posts!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

RS - Feedback on our Second Sample Footage

Click on the picture to enlarge it!
Here is evidence of feedback on our second sample footage recorded. I posted the sample footage on Facebook so I could get peoples opinions/feedback given to me in a comment below the video. We will use this feedback to improve our film.

After reading all the feedback we recieved, we have made the shots quicker, as we thought it would allow us to fit more into the 2 mins we have and also keep the pace going and not bore the audience. We have also made it more obvious as to why the car was being used in it, by making a clear shot of a newspaper with "motoring" written on the top and the man circling a car inside it. Once we have made the rough cut we will also post the video to youtube and facebook for further feedback to get the film just right.

1 comment:

  1. don't just evidence it...reflect and comment on it! what changes did you make as a consequence?!


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